Assistant Professor

Department of Methodology,

The London School of Economics and Political Science



I am an Assistant Professor of Computational Social Science in the Department of Methodology and an affiliate at the Data Science Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science. I specialize in computational methods and comparative politics. Substantively, I focus on Chinese politics, LGBT politics, and social media politics. My methods research involves applied machine learning, quantitative text analysis, and fairness and bias in AI. I hold a Ph.D. in Political Science and Scientific Computing from the University of Michigan.

My substantive research centers on repression and media/information control. In my book project and related writings, I examine how the Chinese Communist Party has established a surveillance-driven security state in partnership with tech giants. I argue that these state-firm collaborations aid in target selection, concealing state repression from citizens, and thus reducing the potential for popular counter-mobilization.

In a separate thread of research, I investigate how elites mobilize social and religious conservatives by provoking outrage and disgust, leading to increased support for violence and punitive policies against minority groups.

Methodologically, I develop tools and frameworks to digitize and annotate large text corpora, utilizing out-of-sample validation, transfer learning, and active learning.

My research has been featured in The Monkey Cage (Washington Post), China File, and 端傳媒. My research with The Citizen Lab has been featured in New York Times, China Digital Times, Telegraph, AP立場新聞, and 明報新聞.

Selected Writing:
Active Learning Approaches for Labeling Text: Review and Assessment of the Performance of Active Learning Approaches

Active Learning Approaches for Labeling Text: Review and Assessment of the Performance of Active Learning Approaches (with Fridolin Linder and Walter Mebane)

Political Analysis
Fragmented Censorship: How Bureaucratic and Market Forces Constrain China's Information Control Agenda

Fragmented Censorship: How Bureaucratic and Market Forces Constrain China's Information Control Agenda

Under Review
Who Not What: The Logic of China's Information Control Strategy (with Mary Gallagher)

Who Not What: The Logic of China's Information Control Strategy (with Mary Gallagher)

China Quarterly
Sponsorship as the State's Safety Tether: A Big-Data Analysis of Historical NGO Registration Records in China (with Timothy Hildebrandt and Guodong Ju)

Sponsorship as the State's Safety Tether: A Big-Data Analysis of Historical NGO Registration Records in China (with Timothy Hildebrandt and Guodong Ju)

Under Review
The Limits of Commercialized Censorship in China

The Limits of Commercialized Censorship in China

Under Review
How 'Rage Bait' and Outgroup Cues Strengthen Support for Violence and Anti-Muslim Policies (with Jeffrey Javed)

How 'Rage Bait' and Outgroup Cues Strengthen Support for Violence and Anti-Muslim Policies (with Jeffrey Javed)

Under Review
Validating Automatic Text Digitization: How to Ensure Quality of Text Analysis Tasks with Automatically Digitized Text Data (with Michael Thompson-Brusstar)

Validating Automatic Text Digitization: How to Ensure Quality of Text Analysis Tasks with Automatically Digitized Text Data (with Michael Thompson-Brusstar)

Working Paper
Measuring Changes in Vatican Social Policy from Papal Documents (with Anna Grzymala-Busse)

Measuring Changes in Vatican Social Policy from Papal Documents (with Anna Grzymala-Busse)

Working Paper